Journey to the end... Destinations are few...

Life is a twister.. Accept it.. Bear it.. Live it.. When problems smile at you.. Give them your best smile..!!

To the countless days and nights,

The souls wrapped in each other tight

The senses embedded to unite.

Arms swaying in each other,

Like a reptilian haunt

Or a spiral-clasp immensely tied

More so to reassure than to dent it,

There was a relation, we wrought it, right?

To the butterfly kisses or

To just holding hands whole night.

To smooth whispers or

Affraying from covering up mosquito-net each time.

To cuddling up or getting clinched up,

To tender kisses on forehead,

Several sneak outs, to just hug and hold

And to ask “You love me, right?”

Each moment reincarnated with reminiscence

But you manage to forget them?

Isn’t that a sign?

Did you actually forget them? Or I do not have an answer?

I guess, I feel, I might!!!

Was it, was it a lie, camouflaged in pretence,

And with dubiously hypocrite social pride?

Yes, I have an answer!

Lack of trust, faith, respect, belongingness,

And the answer to the only question,

“You Love Me, Right?”


My My..... you are lifting the standard of your work high every each time.
Indeed a good piece of thought.

Awesome piece! hat's off!