Journey to the end... Destinations are few...

Life is a twister.. Accept it.. Bear it.. Live it.. When problems smile at you.. Give them your best smile..!!

Vagabond in the search of, I found my land sanguine,

I saw it green and full of hope…

So, I laid a red tent and I put up a stove…

Wafted by winter wind,

I needed a wooden floor to call it home,

So, I built a mansion, with teak wood,

With colorful chandeliers and ceramic bulbs,

I painted the walls with ruby, emerald and pink…

Got a carpet with cream fur of satin…

And a brown swing chair, to rest in peace

Happy and demented, I was living in…

Until I realize, this was the worst it had ever been,

The Storm had started months back,

And would last for months more...

As I peeped out, colorless mural was all I could see…

Not a soul, not a tree, not a bird beating its wing…

Ravenous longing and anguished soul…

Colorblind eyes, dying heart and desolate home!

I had now, a house full of ceded dreams…

It was a wait, and an endless one…

For the Spring, seems will never come!

All just white and a discerned certainty...

The Journey to the End…

A destination final, real and mean!!!